Latest News
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- Teacher Day Celebration 2017
- Independence Day Celebration 2017
- Awareness Camp On GST
- Warm Welcome to Ist PU Students
- World Day Against Child Labour
- International Yoga Day 2017
- Anusha .V Scored 90.5%(Science Stream) in PU Board Exam
- Manjula .M Scored 89%( Commerce-CEBA) in PU Board Exam
- Sindhu V.R Scored 100/100 in Business Studies and Scored 84% (Commerce -CEBA) in 2 PU Board Exam
About APUC
Aditya is one of the top pu colleges Bangalore, provides quality sustained essential higher education to all times adapting to changing environment for a meaning full and self supporting life.
We provide value based education to inculcate asense of responsibility,patriotism,social awareness and to become a good citizen of the country. Our Institution has state of the art infrastructure with well equipped laboratories, seminar halls, Auditorium, Digital Library with wi-fi -internet facility, Instrumentation room and other facilities.