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Science Stream of Aditya PU College covers the major areas of science ranging from fundamentals to moderate concepts in the subject. Besides theoretical knowledge the students gain hands on experience in regular practical classes. They also get an exposure by industrial visits/ guest lectures / symposiums and seminars during their studies. Science is a popular selection of subject among students particularly those that would like to be an Engineer/Medical/Paramedical. Science may be a multi-disciplined field with new disciplines and branches being superimposed with the advancement of Science and Technology. Science students are instructed numerous aspects of the topic through observation, experimentation, theories, hypotheses, analysis and practical approach in all the fields. This course is the turning point in the career of the student. The students can choose the required combination of the subjects that would enable them to pursue their university education in their interested field.
1. Intake: 80 seats
2. Duration :2 Years

Attendance : 75% compulsory as per the Karnataka PU Board regulations.

Part I
English – Common for all
Language – The candidate can opt any one of the following languages
Part II
PCMCs (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science)
PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology)

pu colleges bangalore for science

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